Tim Smith – BSc (Hons), MCIEEM, Managing Director
Tim is the Managing Director and Principal Ecologist at Five Valleys Ecology. He has extensive experience within the development sector and large engineering and environmental consultancy providing multi-disciplinary services to the property, infrastructure, energy and environmental markets.
Tim holds a First Class Honours Degree in Wildlife Conservation from the University of East London and has 20 years professional experience. During this time he has worked for some of the most highly respected and influential organisations in the environmental, nature conservation and ecological consultancy sectors.
Before forming Five Valleys Ecology, Tim’s career included roles with the University of Oxford, Environment Agency, Kent Wildlife Trust, English Nature, WWT Consulting, and Waterman Energy, Environment and Design.
Tim holds Natural England and Natural Resources Wales survey licences for bats and great crested newts. He also holds further specialisms in wetland ecology and design, botany, ecological impact assessment (EcIA), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Tim is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).
Tim is supported by our dedicated team of in-house ecologists who help with the day to day delivery of projects.
Five Valleys Ecology is able to provide a full range of ecological consultancy services including:
- Protected species surveys, mitigation design and EPS licensing;
- Site studies (ecological walkovers, ecological appraisals and ecological assessments);
- BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) assessments;
- Preparation of ecology chapters for Environmental Statements (EIA);
- Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA);
- Wetland ecology and design, including wetland treatment system (WTS) design;
- Biodiversity Management for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
- Site Biodiversity Action Plans (Site BAPs);
- Ecohydrology;
- Terrestrial and aquatic botany;
- Terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate surveys;
- Vegetation description and analysis;
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping;
- Topographic surveys and 3D digital terrain modelling.
Five Valleys Ecology works with a highly experienced, multi-disciplinary team of associate ecologists, GIS technicians and graphic designers when required.
Further information on some of our associates is provided below.
Craig Carter
Craig is an associate ecologist providing dedicated coverage within Cornwall and the surrounding counties, enhancing our presence and capability across the wider SW England region.
Craig graduated from Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge in 2000 with a First Class Honours degree in Ecology, Conservation and Animal Behaviour. His varied career has taken him to some fascinating parts of the world which include Kenya studying Termite ecology and Vervet monkey behaviour, to Florida researching the effect of supplemental protein feeding and nesting success in the Florida Scrub Jay.
Craig has had various roles in important UK conservation organisations such as Birdlife International, the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group, the Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research and South West Lakes Trust from consultancy to pure field ecological research and practical habitat management.
He understands the importance of keeping up to date with the latest techniques and scientific research and attends regular Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses.
Denis Deasy
Denis has over 15 years experience specialising in GIS and remote sensing. He provides high level GIS technical support.
After gaining a Remote Sensing & GIS degree, Denis spent a year as an Earth Observation Scientist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology at Monks Wood Research Station managing data from the NERC Airborne Remote Sensing Programme. Since then he has worked mainly as a freelance GIS consultant, working for clients such as the Countryside Agency, The Peak District National Park Association, Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and The National Trust.
Denis has excellent understanding of GIS and remote sensing, from map production through to complex spatial analysis. In addition, his experience as an IT consultant has given him excellent database & SQL skills, enabling Denis to work on integration of GIS with databases such as MS SQL Server & Oracle Spatial using technologies such as ArcSDE. Denis also has good experience in Business Analysis and System Testing.
In previous roles, Denis has been responsible for managing GIS and GPS data for a variety of applications, using ESRI ArcGIS 9.3 & ArcSDE. Project work includes mapping an inventory of wetland projects in Wales for CCW, and analysis work on a hydrogeomorphological predictive model for surface water and groundwater dependency for Scottish Natural Heritage. He has also been involved in river corridor, NVC and Phase l habitat surveys.