The collection of spatially accurate ecological survey data and its use in mitigation design (should this be required), is particularly important within a number of contexts, especially on modern development sites that are constrained by size and competing usage.
The distance of any impacts from the resting or breeding places of protected fauna can be a critical factor in determining whether the proposed activity is licensable or not. This decision is based upon the availability of spatially accurate field survey data.
Key aspects of mitigation design for notable habitat will also often be based largely upon spatial information. Accurate geographic data is therefore required where significant impacts upon notable habitat are identified.
Five Valley’s Ecology is able to capture all field data electronically using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. Once collected, these data can be uploaded into a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the production of habitat features and mitigation plans.
Habitat features and mitigation plans produced in a GIS can be easily manipulated with other GIS datasets, and overlaid onto a range of different site plans. The GIS works with quantitative, geographic data, thereby increasing precision in the determination of potential impacts and any subsequent mitigation design if required.
Mitigation designs can be easily transferred from the GIS for accurate implementation and setting out in the field using handheld GPS technology. GIS data can also be easily distributed among end users such as different members of the project team, statutory consultees, and client suppliers.
We also use GPS and GIS extensively for wetland ecology and design, such as conducting detailed topographic surveys and producing contour maps as detailed in our list of Wetland Ecology Case Studies.
For more information, or to obtain a free proposal, please contact us.