Our Managing Director, Tim Smith, has worked as a team member on a wide variety of projects both as an individual consultant or as a employee of various specialist consultancies. The projects he has been involved in include:
Swineham Farm, Wareham, Dorset
Survey of completed gravel pit restoration using a Trimble GeoXT handheld computer with GPS and subsequent production of a post-restoration report complete with as-built plans produced in ArcGis. Supervised contractors and undertook various aspects of the restoration work such as the translocation of large quantities of common reed dredged from ditches within the adjacent Wareham Meadows SSSI.
Specialist School, Herefordshire
Production of a detailed design of a wetland treatment system to treat wastewater from a school for autistic children located several miles from mains sewerage.
Bodenham Lake SSSI/LNR, Bodenham, Herefordshire
Production of a detailed design with subsequent contractor supervision for habitat enhancement and to improve the visitor experience.

Tim Smith collecting a water sample at Darwell Reservoir, Battle, East Sussex
The Swale SPA, Kent
Rationalised GIS datasets of the Swale SPA using aerial photography to delineate saltmarsh from mudflat and rationalise SSSI unit boundaries to accurately reflect the extent of habitat in favourable condition for the purposes of a Government Public Service Agreement target. Also conducted an independent research project studying plant and invertebrate communities to ascertain whether licensed groundwater abstractions were having an adverse effect on the integrity of grazing marshes within the Swale SPA as part of the review of consents under the Habitats Regulations.
Careshall Bog, Loch Leven SSSI/NNR/SPA
Soil and topographic surveys using a Trimble R8 Virtual Reference Station (VRS) and subsequent production of terrain maps and models in ArcGis. These were used to inform the design of mitigation for disturbance to pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus and potential hydrological changes to the bog from a proposed footpath.
GIS Wetland Inventory of Wales
Designed and disseminated an electronic questionnaire to relevant stakeholders, and then used the returned information to produce a digital wetland inventory of Wales in ArcGis.
Ouse Washes SSSI/SPA/SAC, Welney, Norfolk
Topographic and ecological surveys to inform detailed designs for the creation of wet grassland for Wigeon Anas penelope on arable land as mitigation for flood defence work.
Oare Marshes SSSI/SPA, Faversham, Kent
Independent research project to ascertain the effects of ESA Tier 1a management (raised water levels) on the ditch flora at Oare Marshes SSSI within the Swale SPA.
Sheepdrove Organic Farm, Berkshire and Killmeaden Wetlands, Waterford, Ireland
Detailed botanical and invertebrate surveys of numerous wetland sites for monitoring and investigative purposes.