Our Managing Director, Tim Smith, has worked on a wide variety of projects both as an individual consultant or as as an employee and team member of various specialist consultancies. The projects he has been involved in include:
Haydon Wick Flood Alleviation Scheme, Swindon, Wiltshire
Undertook a Great Crested Newt surveys to inform the design and implementation of a £4.9 million flood alleviation scheme along the Haydon Brook in Swindon. Client: Environment Agency.
Unit 92, The Runnings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
Preliminary Bat Assessment of showroom entailing building searches and a biological records search for the presence of bats within a 4km radius of the site. Advice was subsequently provided regarding the potential impacts to the Clients business associated with the low possibility of bats being present within the showroom building. The Client was then provided with a number of options regarding possible management of those risks in accordance with legislative requirements. Client: SuperGroup Plc.
Horsecombe Vale Farm, Bath, Somerset
Carried out an Ecological Appraisal, Great Crested Newt Survey, Preliminary Bat Assessment, Emergence and Activity Surveys for bats. The information was required to inform a planning application (and potential Appropriate Assessment) for the demolition and replacement of an existing dwelling located 190m from the Bath and Bradford on Avon Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Client: Tony Timbrell / Mitchell Taylor Workshop.
Pear Tree Farm, Pilning, South Gloucestershire
Preliminary Bat Assessment to inform development proposals for change of use and renovation of existing agricultural buildings to ancillary domestic accommodation, in accordance with legislative requirements and local, regional and national planning policy. Client: SB Planning.
Sudd Meadow, Gloucester, Gloucestershire
Conducted an Ecological Appraisal to inform a planning application for a waste transfer station. Advised on ecological constraints and opportunities regarding great crested newts and reptiles.
Ockington Field, Dymock, Gloucestershire
Undertook a Great Crested Newt survey to inform a proposed development of a 10ha greenfield site entailing the construction of a house of architectural merit with associated landscaping and a working vineyard. The proposal was strongly influenced by planning policy set out in ‘Planning Policy Statement 7 (PPS7) Sustainable Development in Rural Areas’. Client: Knights Green Estates Ltd.
Old Victoria Hospital, Swindon, Wiltshire
Preliminary Bat Assessment of several listed Victorian hospital buildings prior to renovation. Client: E R Hemmings (Building) Ltd.
Colmans Farm, Elmstone Hardwicke, Gloucestershire
Preliminary Bat Assessment of agricultural outbuildings to inform renovation proposals. Client: Tim Clarke.
Crown Wharf, Canning Town, London
Responsible for the production of an ecology chapter for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a proposed residential development of a site adjacent to the River Lea Site of Metropolitan Importance (SMI) in East London. Issues included impacts upon ruderal vegetation, foraging black redstart, terrestrial invertebrates, intertidal macrofauna and wintering birds.
Camp Hill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire
Ecological Appraisal to inform detailed design of Phase 1 of the Concept Masterplan for Phase 3 of the regeneration of Camphill project in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.
Former Central Engineers Depot, Long Marston, Warwickshire
Undertook Great Crested Newt, detailed botanical and invertebrate surveys. Provided input to the ES Chapter for a mixed-use (residential, commercial and leisure) development of the site.
City College Brighton and Hove, East Sussex
Lead ecologist responsible for the production of an ecology chapter for an EIA for the redevelopment of the Central College Campus, Brighton
Edward Benefer Way, Kings Lynn, Norfolk
Ecological Appraisal, breeding bird and invertebrate surveys to inform a planning application for a residential development affecting a reedbed of county value.