An Ecological Walkover is the simplest form of site study that Five Valleys Ecology undertakes. It is suitable for scoping potential ecological issues and for initial advice at the pre-acquisition stage on relatively small, simple sites. An Ecological Walkover is not usually sufficient to inform a planning application.
An Ecological Walkover typically includes the following elements:
- Basic data search using online resources;
- Site visit and walkover survey to ‘extended ‘ Phase l standard (JNCC 2010); and
- Short report with simple site description, digital photos, basic evaluation of the main ecological receptors present, and a short discussion on the pertinent issues together with recommendation for any further survey work that may be required
An Ecological Walkover typically does not include the following elements:
- Agreeing the scope of study with Natural England (NE), other statutory regulators, or the Local Planning Authority (LPA);
- Summary of relevant legislation and planning policy, or other contextual information such as Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs);
- Habitat plans;
- Full evaluation of ecological receptors;
- Overview Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA);
- Details of mitigation or management; and
- Consultation
For more information, or to obtain a free proposal, please contact us. We will be happy to provide you with honest and objective advice specific to your project based upon our extensive experience.
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (2010). Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey – a Technique for Environmental Audit. JNCC, Peterborough.