Robin - Erithacus rubeculaPlanning applications submitted without the appropriate ecological information are unlikely to be validated by Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s). This can result in significant unanticipated costs and delays to projects.

We specialise in using the most cost effective and efficient approach possible to ensure that development proposals are in accordance with planning policy and relevant ecology legislation.

An appropriate ecological scoping survey, such as a PRELIMINARY ECOLOGICAL APPRAISALS (PEA), can highlight potential ecological issues at an early stage, enabling any Phase ll survey work that may be required to be programmed into the project timetable and costed accordingly.

PEA’s (and Preliminary Bat Assessments) can be undertaken after the main survey season has ended (may be subject to limitations). PEA’s carried out during the autumn/winter period are particularly useful for highlighting whether Phase ll surveys for fauna with narrow early season survey windows are required such as great crested newts, breeding birds and wintering birds.

This means that we can continue to progress your projects over the autumn/winter and help to ensure that unnecessary delays and costs are avoided next survey season. Make sure you don’t miss this opportunity or you could have to wait for another year and that could cost you and your client!

We can help you get it right. If you are interested in finding out more about how you can take your projects forward during the winter please call Tim Smith on 01453 759306 (M:07732 397984) or email us to arrange a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your site and requirements in more detail.